Turning People to Christ

Friday, October 2, 2020

In my last post, I suggested there is a great need in our day for the spirit and power of Elijah. Just like when Elijah ministered in the northern kingdom of Israel and John the Baptist ministered in the wilderness of Judea, we need forerunners anointed with the spirit and power of Elijah today. We need this unique anointing of the Holy Spirit to turn the hearts of God’s people away from deception back to Christ.

When people hear the phrase turning people back to Christ, they often do not have practical understanding of what this means. Therefore, in this article, I want to explain five ways forerunners turn people back to Christ.

1. Forerunners turn people back to the person of Christ.

Deception, compromise, and idolatry are prevalent in the church today. In many denominations and movements, Christ is looking in from the outside, having been replaced by revival, miracles, and doctrines, just to name a few.

But Jesus said, “Come to Me” (Matt. 11:28). He did not say come to church, come to Scripture, or come to healing or ministry. He said “come to Me.” Only by coming to the person of Christ do we have His eternal life.

One of the primary objectives of forerunners is to turn people from error, compromise, mixture, and lesser things back to the person of Christ. This includes a deep, personal relationship with Him, characterized by a growing union and intimacy with Him, which conform us into His image.

2. Forerunners turn people back to God’s eternal purpose.

Forerunners also to turn people from a myriad of lesser purposes to God’s one purpose—His eternal purpose, which was determined before the foundation of the world and drives everything God does.

In short, God’s eternal purpose shifts the church’s focus off of man and back onto Christ. It also involves preparing a bride for Jesus and mature sons for the Father.

3. Forerunners turn people from an external kingdom to an internal kingdom.

Today, much of the church is focused on building an external kingdom. The focus is on the things of God rather than an internal relationship with Christ. This includes building a large church, moving in signs and wonders, restoring Hebraic roots, or operating service ministries.

Although there is certainly an external aspect to the kingdom, this must stem from the indwelling life of Christ. Paul summarized one of God’s ultimate aims in the church, which is to place “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27).

Much of the church is focused on everything but Christ being formed within His people. This is why the Lord is raising up forerunners. These messengers will help people develop an internal relationship with Christ and the stress the need for the transformation of the soul into Christ’s image. They will turn the minds and hearts of God’s people from the external to the internal. From building an external kingdom in their church or life to establishing the internal kingdom first, where Christ dwells within them in fullness.

4. Forerunners turn leaders’ hearts to their spiritual children.

Sadly, many spiritual leaders are building churches which glorify themselves. That’s why the Lord, in this hour, is raising up shepherds after His heart. These shepherds will devote their lives to those they lead, making them ready for the Lord’s purposes.

The Lord desires selfless leaders who will sacrifice their agenda for the Lord’s. He yearns for leaders who will develop those they influence into Christ-seekers, who have their own deep, personal, and intimate relationship with Him. The Lord wants leaders who will help make the bride ready for the Bridegroom.

5. Forerunners turn the disobedient to righteousness.

Forerunners are to be vessels for the Lord, who turn the hearts of the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous. As a result, God will have a people prepared for Him. A people who live in close union with Christ, have an intimate relationship with Him, and are conformed into His image.

In other words, one of the primary mandates of a forerunner is to help God’s people to be conformed into Christ’s image.

A Bride Made Ready

End-time forerunners turn God’s people away from compromise, sin, and lesser pursuits back to the primary pursuit of Christ.

If you would like to be trained as an end-time forerunner, there’s still time to enroll in our Forerunner School. You can register at www.forerunnerschool.org.

The school is free and is a combination of self-study and group discussion. The school will equip you as a forerunner in the spirit and power of Elijah so you can help make the bride ready for Jesus and His soon return.

Ken Kessler