3 – A Reset Of Pursuit

Teaching Overview

This message asks the probing questions: What and who are you living for? What drives you? What are you chasing after? After the tearing and wounding of 2020, there is a great need for a reset of pursuit. That is, to change what and who we are living for. If the apostle Paul could speak into the church in 2021, he would undoubtedly exhort us, as he did the Philippines in chapter 3, to reorient our lives to know Christ intimately, to live by His indwelling life, and to be identified with His crucifixion, death, and resurrection. This message looks at what Paul said in Philippines 3 and draws out 11 lessons we can learn and apply to our lives. This will help us reorient our entire lives around Christ and pursue Him as the great treasure that He is.

Bryan Kessler