In Revelation 2-3, we see Jesus, as the judge of His church, confronting compromise, selfishness, apathy, indifference, false teaching, false prophecy, and self-satisfaction. His aim is to raise up overcomers—those who love Jesus more than they love themselves; those who are faithful to the Lamb and are willing to die for their faith; those who love the truth with all of their heart and live free from compromise; those who don’t tolerate the ways and works of Jezebel in their sphere of authority; those with a deep and driving hunger for God that overpowers apathy, complacency, indifference, and carelessness; those who live a disciplined lifestyle that helps them maintain their victory until the end; those with a fiery passion for Jesus that consumes self-satisfaction; and those who embrace a crucified self-life and are fully possessed by the Spirit of God. This class, The Overcomers, explores in detail what we must overcome and what Jesus promised to us if we overcome.