This is the first session in the Lifeschool class, Understanding the Forerunner Call, and is entitled As it Was in the Days of Elijah. Beginning with a review of the days in which Jeroboam ruled the northern kingdom of Israel and then drawing from the story of Elijah, Ahab, and Jezebel, this session traces the history of how Israel drifted from the true worship of the Lord into deep apostasy. The session next highlights the fact that similar conditions characterized Israel during the days of John the Baptist. The session makes the point that just as in the days of Elijah and John the Baptist, similar conditions exist in today’s culture and that the sins of Jeroboam are prevalent in today’s church. The session illustrates with great clarity that Ahab and Jezebel introduced great corruption, the false worship of Baal and Asherah, and persecution of true worship of the Lord into the land. Because of the great opposition to the Lord, the people of God became extremely apathetic toward God. The session also emphasizes how in the days of John the Baptist, the people of God were far off track and in great need of repentance. The session concludes by making the point that today the conditions are very similar to what they were in both of those time periods—and that just like in the days of Elijah and John the Baptist, there is a need today for forerunners who will operate in the spirit and power of Elijah.
Session Overview