To truly understand the meaning of life, including why God created us and what our purpose is, we must have the proper starting point. We must begin with God Himself. A truly God-centered philosophy of life, when we see as God sees from a heavenly perspective, is the only way that we can discover our purpose, meaning, significance, and destiny. To understand God’s ultimate intention, eternity past should be our starting point. We have to go back in time before the fall, before the creation of humanity and the world, even before the angels, heaven, and the throne. If we step back into eternity past—back to the beginning when it was just God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit dwelling together in approachable light in deep fellowship and intimacy—then we can discern God’s ultimate intention. In this session, we discuss the various starting points that people have used to discover God’s ultimate purpose and how each of these falls far short of God’s original intention. We will also look at Ephesians 1:11, which describes the eternal council of the Godhead before time and creation that established the blueprint for everything that God would ever do. As summarized in this session, God’s eternal purpose was to place the Son at the center of all things and to establish Him as the pattern to which humanity would be conformed into an exact representation. It was also decreed that the eternal Son would be the Life and that He would impart His life into a creation of men and women who would be filled with His life, leading to full union with the indestructible life of the Son. Finally, this session touches on God’s prized possession—His inheritance in humanity. The eternal council established that the Father would have a family of sons who were an exact representation of His beloved Son; the Son would have an equally-yoked bride who would be in full union with His life, would embody His nature and likeness, and would love Him with the same fiery passion and pleasure of the Father; and the Spirit would have a temple in which He would dwell in fullness.
Session Overview