This session is the first of ten sessions that looks at a vital principle that fosters Spirit-led living. The first principle that we will examine is this: Your spirit’s intuition is the sixth sense, enabling you to know intuitively what the indwelling Spirit communicates directly to your spirit. As you will learn in this session, you have access to the mind of Christ through your spirit-to-Spirit union with the indwelling Spirit. As you develop intimacy with the indwelling Spirit, He graciously reveals God’s deepest thoughts and desires to you. As this session stresses, if you want to grow in your ability to recognize and receive the Spirit’s thoughts, you must understand spiritual communication is intuitive and the indwelling Spirit communicates directly to your spirit through thought transference. You must also know that God designed your spirit with the innate ability to know intuitively and the importance of developing your spirit’s intuition. Finally, if you will learn to focus on your spirit—the part of you where God communicates to you—it will help you live more from the mind of Christ.
Session Overview