As Sessions 7-10 made clear, the Father will have a family of Christ-like sons and the Holy Spirit will have a temple that He fills, a spiritual house in which He dwells, and a body that He will possess and bring to full maturity. Building upon this revelation, Session 11 looks at the Son’s inheritance in the saints, which is an equally yoked bride who will partner with Jesus throughout the endless ages of eternity. The Father will provide Jesus with a pure, spotless, holy, and worthy bride who loves Him just like the Father (John 17:26). As this session makes clear, the Lord has woven His eternal purpose into the fabric of Scripture. From Genesis to Revelation, the mystery of God’s eternal plan to provide His Son with a worthy bride is progressively revealed. That’s why the Bible starts with a wedding and ends with a wedding! That’s why Genesis begins with a marriage and Revelation concludes with a marriage! Much more than a history book, a book of principles and laws, or a book that gives us wisdom, the Scriptures are the ultimate romance novel between Christ and His church. If you look closely, interwoven through the pages of Scripture, in types, shadows, allegories, parables, prophecies, and eternal truths, you see the eternal romance between Jesus and His bride leaping off the pages. This session unlocks the mystery of the bride of Christ, showing that believers are the betrothed bride of Jesus Christ, that we are like pure virgins in His eyes, that we are one with our Bridegroom, that Jesus cherishes and nourishes us, that we are His beloved, and that Jesus sanctifies us through the Word. In response to Jesus’ overwhelming love, we are to make ourselves ready by allowing the indwelling Spirit to live His life through us.
Session Overview