The last session of this class looks at Revelation 14:1-5 and shows that this is one of the best summaries of God’s eternal purpose. This passage reveals God’s ultimate intention fulfilled in a people who are fully aligned with His eternal plan. In these five verses, we are shown a beautiful picture of the eternal council of the Godhead coming full circle at the end of the age. After patiently waiting thousands of years since His blueprint was conceived in the eternal councils of eternity past, the Father’s and the Son’s dream is finally realized in a remnant “who follow the Lamb wherever He goes” (Rev. 14:4). From heaven’s perspective, this remnant is not a radical fringe or an elite set of super-Christians who line the walls of heaven’s hall of fame. In God’s eyes, this rare breed simply lived the normal Christian life. They made God’s eternal purpose their life purpose. They fully embraced the way of their cross in their soul and were reconstituted into the nature of the Lamb from the core of their being to the outer circumference of their soul. These embody the Lamb’s meekness, humility, love, obedience, and self-sacrifice. They are forever known in heaven as those who went all the way with God, as those fully aligned with God’s eternal purpose. They are the reason why God created the world. After laying this foundation, this session reveals that God’s eternal purpose is how God measures success and how He will evaluate our lives at the judgment seat of Christ. Finally, this session exhorts us to make God’s eternal purpose our life-purpose and to become part of an army who will labor together to see God’s ultimate intention achieved at the end of the age.
Session Overview