In this session, we look at the ultimate good news. Namely, Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, will return, crush the antichrist, 10 kings, and the eighth empire, and will establish His kingdom in Jerusalem, from where He will rule the nations for 1,000 years. In this session, we look at the coming kingdom of God and the reign of Christ from Jerusalem. In addition, we look at why the Premillennial view of eschatology is a much better interpretation than the Amillennial and Postmillennial views. We also look at what it will be like when the kingdom of God comes to the earth in fullness, how the natural processes of life will continue, and how Jesus’ kingdom will progressively penetrate into every facet of culture. In addition, we also look at the purpose of the Millennial Kingdom and how the faithful saints throughout history will rule and reign with Christ during this period.
Session Overview