This is the second session in the Lifeschool class, Understanding the Forerunner Call, and is entitled Preparing the Way for Christ’s Return. The primary purpose of this session is to demonstrate from scripture that the forerunner call we are speaking of in this class is for end-time forerunners who will prepare the way for Christ’s second coming. Drawing from Malachi’s prophecy about God sending Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord and from other passages, we make the point in this session that even though there have always been forerunners going back even to Noah, the call we are speaking of is for end-time forerunners. This session also clarifies that the we are not speaking of the reincarnation of Elijah nor are we referring to only one person coming to Israel in the end times. Rather we speak of a company of people anointed with the spirit and power of Elijah who will minister in the end times and ultimately usher in the second coming of the Lord. The session concludes with the discussion of a beautiful picture of Elijah, Elisha, and King Jehu foreshadowing the second coming of the Lord. This is an important session in that it gives detail scriptural support for the fact that this class focuses on the end-time call of forerunners.
Session Overview