This session looks at the other two components of the blueprint established in the eternal council of the Godhead. Namely, God’s redemptive plan and His prophetic plan for restoration. As this session details, when God’s redemptive plan was established in the eternal council, the Godhead determined that the Son would become a Man and that He would become the atoning sacrifice for our sins, our New Covenant representative, and the head of a new creation. Furthermore, this session explains that God’s eternal purpose is literally the “purpose of the ages.” This means that God has a specific mission, unique goals, and a predefined objective that He seeks to accomplish in each age. As Scripture makes clear, there is the Age of the Gentiles, the Age of Israel, the Church Age, the Kingdom Age, and the ages of ages. And as this session makes known, the eternal Son is at the center of each of these ages. The Son is at the center of the Abrahamic Covenant, the Law and the Prophets, the church, the end times, the Millennial Kingdom, and the eternal ages. This session shows that the Scriptures are thoroughly Christ-centered from beginning to end because God’s eternal purpose has always been to give His Son the preeminence in all things.
Session Overview