This is the third session in the Lifeschool class, Understanding the Forerunner Call, and is entitled Turning People to Christ. In this session and the next two, we take an in-depth look at Luke 1:16-17 which is the foundational scripture passage for understanding the forerunner call. In this session and the next two we analyze three key phrases contained in this section of scripture. The next session focuses on the phrase making ready a people prepared for the Lord and Session 5 delves deeply into the spirit and power of Elijah. In this session, we dig into the idea of what it means in the context of the forerunner call to turn people back to the Lord. This session begins with explaining and defining what the word forerunner means and what the forerunner call is. The session also lists five distinct aspects of what it means to turn people back to Christ. This session is of great significance to those called as forerunners as it illustrates the purpose for God raising up forerunners in our day.
Session Overview