In this session, we will use the book of Esther as the lens through which to view the bride of Christ and her role in the end times. The types and shadows in the book of Esther paint a powerful picture of the purpose, call, preparation, position, and role of the bride of Christ in the end times. In the book of Esther, we see a glimpse of the bride that will be presented to Jesus at His second coming. Just as Ahasuerus held an extensive and elaborate banquet to display the beauty of his bride, the Father’s eternal purpose, even before the foundation of the world, was to have a worthy bride for His Son and to display her beauty to all of the world, as well as to every angel, demonic ruler, and principality in the heavenly realm. However, for this to happen, an unprecedented work of the Holy Spirit is required—a work that will prepare the bride to be worthy of this great honor and to train her to reign with Jesus now and for all of eternity. We will look at the mighty call that the Lord has granted to His end-time bride, the rewards of pursuing this glorious relationship, and the preparation that is required to partner with Jesus in the end times.
Session Overview