This is the fourth session in the Lifeschool class, Understanding the Forerunner Call, and is entitled Making Ready a People. In this session and the next, we continue our in-depth look at Luke 1:16-17 which is the foundational scripture passage for understanding the forerunner call. In this session, we analyze the phrase making ready a people prepared for the Lord. This session discusses three objectives for turning people back to Christ. This session delves into three objectives of why God is raising up forerunners. The first major objective of the forerunner call is to prepare a corporate mature man who will be made ready as God’s partner for the eternal ages. The second is to make the church made ready for the end times. And the third objective is making ready a people prepared for eternity. This session delves into all three of these objectives so as to explain what is involved and why each is of crucial importance to the body of Christ.
Session Overview