This session begins by giving an overview of God’s original intention. Starting with God’s eternal purpose, you will see God’s ultimate aim in creation and giving man a choice to have the Son’s life or to live for themselves. Nevertheless, with or without the fall, God’s ultimate aim was to implant the Son’s life into humanity, leading to the fullness of His life and humanity becoming God’s inheritance. After summarizing God’s ultimate intention, this session focuses on the impartation of the Son’s life into men and women. Specifically, you will discover that Christ in you—the hope of glory—has always been God’s aim before time and creation. In fact, Jesus came so that we might have His life in us and that His life in us would be released in abundance. As you will discover, humanity is the one-and-only creation, among God’s entire created order, to be patterned after His Son and given the exclusive privilege of having internal intimacy and union with the Creator. God created Adam and Eve for the sole purpose of placing the life-giving Spirit of His Son within them, so that His Son would become their very life. Even so, we know that Adam chose the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Despite this tragic decision, God’s ultimate intention to place the Son’s life into humanity, for that life to be released in fullness into their heart and soul, and for them to become God’s inheritance was not aborted. It was only delayed until the Lamb of God became a Man so that we could be restored back to God’s eternal purpose.
Session Overview