Church was never meant to be a 2-hour service where you sit as a spectator, hear a worship band play music, listen to a sermon, and then you go home to resume your normal life. Nor was the move of the Spirit in a local church meant to come solely through the pastor or the worship team. The Lord desires to express His indwelling life through the entire body. That means each Sunday, we all have a role to play. We are to be dependent upon the Lord and interdependent upon each other. 1 Corinthians 14:26 shows what a first-century church meeting looked like. Specifically, the corporate gatherings were open participatory meetings where every member of the body had the freedom and the responsibility to share the life of the Lord with the entire body. Having said that, divine order is crucial. The body is meant to freely express the indwelling life of Christ in divine order. This message looks at principles for divine order in an open and participatory meeting.
Session Overview