One of the primary purposes of God’s eternal purpose for the church age is to prepare an equally-yoked bride for Christ. The prepared bride will abide in full union with her Bridegroom King, the Lord Jesus Christ; will dwell in intimacy with Him; and will take on His nature in fullness. With this essential objective of the church age, it is incumbent upon church leadership to create an environment to facilitate this. Why? So that believers are fully prepared as a bride for Christ—His eternal partner and representative throughout the ages. This session discusses the bridal paradigm, focusing on these three initiatives involved in the bride making herself ready: 1) full union with Christ; 2) intimacy with Him; and 3) being conformed into His image. The session also looks at the need for a radical pursuit of bridal preparation and closes with message to leadership, exhorting them to facilitate an environment for believers to make themselves ready as a bride for Jesus. This session is crucial for the person who desires to make themselves ready as a bride for Christ.
Session Overview