In this session, we look at God’s ultimate intention to fill humanity with the fullness of the life of Christ. Specifically, we focus on five ways we move from the implanted life of Christ to the fullness of Christ. These are: 1) The fullness of the indwelling Spirit filling us; 2) abiding in Christ; 3) gaining Christ in our soul; 4) internal intimacy with Christ; and 5) maturity through obedience to the Word. As you will discover in this session, the new birth does not automatically make our hearts the permanent dwelling place of Christ. This hinges upon our spirit being strengthened by the resurrection power of the indwelling Spirit. In addition, you will learn how to draw from the indwelling life of Christ through an abiding relationship with the Spirit. As we lean in to our union with the indwelling Spirit and draw from His life, then Christ will make His home in our heart and will live His life through us. Like a branch drawing sap from the vine to produce fruit, the fruit of the Spirit will be produced in us in an ever-increasing measure, until we have the fullness of the Spirit without any limitations. Furthermore, you will discover that gaining more of Christ in our soul first requires the crucifixion of our pride and self-love. We must allow the cross to break the hard, outer shell of our self-life so that the indwelling life of Christ can be released fully into our mind, will, and emotions. In addition, you will learn that knowing Christ also releases more of His life into our heart and soul. Internal intimacy through the indwelling Spirit is how we move from the implanted life of Christ into the fullness of Christ. Finally, you will understand the important relationship between maturity and obedience. For our soul to be conformed into the image and likeness of Christ, there’s no substitute for consistently planting His Word into our heart and obeying it.
Session Overview