This message continues looking at principles for divine order in an open and participatory meeting. Specifically, this message looks at the need for developing a shepherd’s heart for the people we speak to on behalf of the Lord. We are called to speak the truth in love, caring deeply about the people to whom we speak. It’s not enough to hear what God says. Because we love the people we speak to, we want to say it in way in which they can receive it. We want to use the right words at the right time so that they can hear what we say, take it to heart, and hopefully be changed by our words from the Lord. It’s also important to know the people we speak to. We need to know the hard things they’re going through. We need to know their fears, anxieties, challenges, and the pressures they face. This will help shape the messages we deliver, whether a sermon, teaching, or prophetic word. This will help mold the truth we speak with love, compassion, and genuine concern for their wellbeing. We also want to speak the truth in love, seasoned with grace. We want our words to activate the grace of God within them, empowering them to live and obey the truth we speak.
Session Overview