This session is the perfect “how to” teaching. As we know from previous sessions, the corporate man that is arising in this hour is to be in full union with Christ, live in intimacy with Him, and be conformed into His image in fullness. When the full number of believers have attained this lofty goal, the bride will have been made ready and the family of mature sons for the Father would have been placed into their firstborn status. In the last session, we explored intimacy and union with Christ. In this session, we look at another component of the arising of the corporate man—being conformed to the image of Christ in fullness. In this session, we first make the point that Christ is the image of the invisible God in fullness and He is the goal to which man is to attain. Next, we explain what the image of Christ in fullness is and how it is achieved. After this, we explored four sources for how the Holy Spirit works to conform man into the image of Christ and then how we can position ourselves for this to take place. The session ends with an exhortation to create an environment to be conformed into the image of Christ in fullness.
Session Overview