Having seen the Father’s ultimate intention to adopt us as sons, and how He is accomplishing this by placing us into His family and by preparing us for placement into Christ’s inheritance, this session looks at the final phase of our adoption, when the Father places the corporate son into the inheritance of Christ at the same time, just prior to the second coming. This session puts the pieces of the puzzle together from previous sessions and looks at how God’s eternal purpose to adopt us as sons will be fulfilled at the end of the age. As you will discover, here at the end of the Church Age, in the prophetic transition leading to the Kingdom Age, God has a specific mission, a unique goal, and a predefined objective that He is seeking to accomplish. He wants to bring forth a “mature man,” which Paul said is “the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13). God’s primary goal in this prophetic transition from the Church Age to the Kingdom Age is for God’s children to mature into Christ-like sons, for Christ’s body to come into fullness, conformed into His exact nature and likeness. This session will give you a fresh perspective of the end times. Rather than only viewing the end of the age as a horrible time of destruction and persecution, you will realize that God’s eternal purpose is what drives His end-time agenda. In this session, you will discover the connection between God’s eternal purpose and end-time prophecy. Specifically, you will learn how God’s eternal purpose to adopt us as sons will be fulfilled at the end of the age through a six-stage process. These stages are: 1) God’s eternal purpose established; 2) A remnant who have matured and overcome through history; 3) The first-fruits harvest of mature sons completed; 4) The final ingathering of mature sons; 5) The corporate adoption; and 6) God’s sons revealed to creation.
Session Overview