This session continues the theme of explaining the variety of functions to which the forerunner is called. Future sessions will address forerunners as intercessors and spiritual warriors, and as friends of the Bridegroom. This session focuses on the role of the forerunner as an end-time messenger for the Lord. In this session, we explain that both Elijah and the apostle Paul were master builders into their generation and that forerunners are to be master builders into this generation as well. After illustrating how Paul and Elijah functioned as master builders, we delve into the great need for forerunners to function as master builders highlighting why today’s church needs a greatly different spiritual environment. The session concludes by identifying five different aspects of the call as a master builder. In this final section, we speak of the need to provide knowledge and understanding, the need to teach, and the great need for patience in helping people and churches transform their spiritual environment.
Session Overview