This session focuses on the role of the forerunner as an end-time messenger for the Lord. In this session, we explain that both Elijah and John the Baptist were messengers into their generation and that forerunners are to be messengers into this generation as well. After illustrating how John and Elijah functioned as messengers, we illustrate how the apostle Paul functioned first as a messenger and then as a wise master builder. This explanation is important as it lays the foundation for the connection between the role of forerunners as messengers and master builders. This session concludes by addressing seven ways forerunners function as messengers and the variety of approaches messengers may employ. These topics include messengers as those who announce the soon coming of the Lord, messengers who invite people into God’s end-time purposes, and messengers who confront and even warn those to whom they minister of the seriousness of accepting God’s invitations.
Session Overview