In Galatians 2, we look at Paul going to Jerusalem with Barnabus and Titus to meet with the 12. When Paul went to Jerusalem, he submitted his gospel to the twelve. This was a private meeting with the apostles and some others. Most likely, Peter, James, and John were part of the meeting—the ones of high reputation. Not only did the 12 accept Paul’s gospel. They didn’t require Titus to be circumcised. They acknowledged God’s hand was on Paul. They confirmed his apostleship to the uncircumcised Gentiles. Following this, we look at Paul rebuking Peter for not eating meals with his Gentile brethren because he feared the Judaizers. In Paul’s rebuke to Peter, we are introduced for the first time to Paul’s gospel of justification by grace through faith apart from any works of the Law. We look in depth at what it means to be justified. We also look at perhaps the greatest statement Paul ever made in Galatians 2:20. I have been crucified with Christ and now I no longer live. Christ lives in me and through me.
Session Overview