Before the Lord returns, the Spirit is highlighting John the apostle as a model for the end-time church (John 21:22). More specifically, the Spirit is emphasizing to the end-time church John the beloved, John the intimate, John the lover, and John the revelator. The Spirit wants us to see John and model our lives after him, cultivating these four dynamics in our lives in an ever-deeper way. In emphasizing John the beloved, the Spirit wants us to know God’s personal love for us deeply, just like John, who referred to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved. In emphasizing John the intimate, the Spirit wants us to know God experientially at a deep level, just like John, who leaned his head upon Jesus’ chest and heard God’s beating heart. In emphasizing John the lover, the Spirit wants us to love God and people, just like John, who devoted much of 1 John to this topic. In emphasizing John the revelator, the Spirit wants us to have deep insight and prophetic revelation of God’s end-time plans and purposes, like John, who wrote the book of Revelation. The end-time church, who will come into the fullness of God’s end-time plans and purposes, will be discipled by John through his writings, especially John 14-17, 1 John, and the book of Revelation. This message focus on all of these topics.
Teaching Overview