A Bridal Theology is a class developed for the purpose of helping those called as forerunners, as well as the church at large, to understand the theology of the church’s bridal relationship with Christ.
A Theology of the Bride
1 – Importance of Understanding the Bride
Class: A Theology of the BrideThis session lays out eight reasons why understanding the bride of Christ is important. This session also casts the vision for why it is important for believers to have a deep understanding of Scripture related to the bride making herself ready to be the eternal wife of the Lamb.
2 – Entering the Plan of the Ages
Class: A Theology of the BrideThursday, March 17, 2022You have been invited into the plan of the ages—to become the eternal bride of Christ. This message explains what this means, offering the global church a prophetic invitation to make themselves ready as a bride for Jesus Christ.
3 – The Bride in the Book of Revelation, Part 1
Class: A Theology of the BrideSunday, April 3, 2022In the church today, there’s a lot of confusion about who, exactly, is the bride of Christ. Is every believer the bride? Is only a remnant the bride? To bring clarify to the confusion, this message looks at Revelation 2-3, examining what Jesus taught about the bride and the need to be made ready.
4 – The Bride in the Book of Revelation – Part 2
Class: A Theology of the BrideSunday, April 10, 2022This message looks at Revelation 12 and Revelation 19:7-9, examining what these two passages teach about the bride and the need to be made ready. This message will help you gain valuable insight and understanding of the bride of Christ and how you can be made ready.
5 – The Bride in the Book of Revelation – Part 3
Class: A Theology of the BrideSunday, May 1, 2022This message looks at Revelation 17:14, 19:11-21, and 21-22, examining what these three passages teach about the bride and the need to be made ready. This message looks at the second coming and the new heaven and new earth, with an eye on the bride being made ready.
6 – The Bride in Matthew 22
Class: A Theology of the BrideSunday, May 8, 2022This message looks in-depth at the 14 verses of the Parable of the Marriage Feast. This will help you understand what Jesus taught and how this parable applies to today’s church.
7 – The Bride in Matthew 24 and 25
Class: A Theology of the BrideSunday, July 10, 2022This message looks at the parable of the ten virgins, the parable of the two servants, and the parable of the talents in Matthew 24-25. This message adds vital insight to the bride’s need to make herself ready.
8 – The Bride and the Writings of Paul, Part 1
Class: A Theology of the BrideSaturday, July 23, 2022This session deals primarily with Ephesians 5, where Paul intertwines a discussion about husbands and wives with the church as the bride of Christ. In Part 1 of this session, Ken answers this question: “In Paul’s writings does he state that every believer will be the eternal wife of Christ?”.
8 – The Bride and the Writings of Paul, Part 2
Class: A Theology of the BrideSunday, July 24, 2022This session looks at key nuggets about becoming the bride being made ready from Ephesians 5. This session looks at the bride being made ready from the perspective of what Christ did and does to make the bride ready.
9 – Esther and Bridal Purpose and Preparation
Class: A Theology of the BrideSunday, May 15, 2022This message looks at the book of Esther and draws out the types and shadows to highlight a variety of principles for God’s purpose, preparation, and partnership planned for the bride of Christ.
10 – Esther and Bridal Partnership
Class: A Theology of the BrideSunday, May 22, 2022This session highlights how the bride is to partner with Christ to reverse the plans of the antichrist kingdom, so God’s people are delivered. This session also looks at how we, as the bride of Christ, can partner with the Lord before He returns, when He returns, and following His return.
11 – The Bride in Genesis, Part 1
Class: A Theology of the BrideSunday, June 4, 2023This session looks at important principles about the bride of Christ in the creation account and marriage of Adam and Eve. These two stories have a powerful application to understanding our bridal relationship with Christ.
11 – The Bride in Genesis, Part 2
Class: A Theology of the BrideSunday, June 11, 2023This session looks at important principles about the bride of Christ from Genesis 24, which captures a story about Abraham sending his servant to get a bride for his son Isaac. This session explains key bridal principles from God’s perspective and from the believer’s perspective.
12 – The Bride in the Book of Ruth
Class: A Theology of the BrideSunday, July 2, 2023This session draws important principles about the bride of Christ from the book of Ruth. In this short four-chapter book, there are amazing parallels between Ruth’s journey from Moab to marriage with our journey out of compromise to our marriage to our kinsman-redeemer, Christ.
13 – Come Out of Her My People, Part 1
Class: A Theology of the BrideThursday, April 13, 2023This session takes a deep dive into Revelation 17-18. More specifically, into Revelation 18:4. This session focuses on coming out of allegiance with the Babylonian system that is arising in our day.
14 – Come Out of Her My People, Part 2
Class: A Theology of the BrideFriday, April 14, 2023This session takes a deep dive into Revelation 17-18. More specifically, into Revelation 18:4. This session focuses on coming out of participation in the sins of Babylon.
15 – The Pursuit of Bridal Readiness
Class: A Theology of the BrideSunday, April 2, 2023This session offers practical counsel on important issues that will facilitate the believer to jump onto the journey of getting ready as a bride for Christ.