In this hour, God is waking up His people from a deep slumber by revealing His eternal purpose in a fresh and exciting way. As people discover God’s ultimate intention to bring us into a deep, intimate relationship with Christ and to be the representation of Christ to creation, many are waking up and making themselves ready for this glorious destiny. Nevertheless, with this understanding comes a tremendous responsibility for the church. Pastors, leaders, and every member of a local church gathering must ask themselves, “Is my church fulfilling God’s eternal purpose? If not, what transitions need to be made for us to fulfill God’s eternal purpose?” This is precisely why The Eternal Purpose Church class was created. The Eternal Purpose Church is designed to help pastors, leaders, and every member of a local church gathering to make the necessary transitions in their lives, church models and programs, and the messages that are preached so that their church can become a local gathering that fulfills God’s eternal purpose. This class looks at the foundations for building an eternal purpose church, how to create the proper spiritual environment so that God’s eternal purpose becomes a reality, and how to build a spiritual structure so that Jesus has a worthy bride and the Father has overcoming sons. Whether you are a pastor, leader, or a member of a local church gathering, this class will help you become fully aligned with God’s eternal purpose.