Many Christians still view church as a place you go to on Sunday, a service you sit through for 2 hours with music and a message, or an organization that preaches the gospel and helps the poor. But from God’s perspective, the church of Jesus Christ is meant to be an organic expression of Christ’s indwelling life, as the individual parts of His body function together in related coordination. The church is meant to be a spiritual organism, not an institutional corporation. The church is God’s people, not a building. The church is meant to function from the inside out rather than the outside in. The church is a gathering of those who have Christ’s indwelling life. Together, the individual parts function interdependently to represent Christ fully and completely in a given city. This class, Ekklesia: Expressing Christ’s life together, looks at God’s eternal purpose of the church, with the goal of helping us learn to live by Christ’s indwelling life individually and corporately. As a result, we will then function as in interdependent body in divine order, so that together, we can become a mature and complete representation of Christ in a given city and throughout the earth.