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11 – The Bride in Genesis, Part 2

11 – The Bride in Genesis, Part 1
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Who Is the True Israel? – Part 3
This article expounds upon Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 and Romans 11:28-29 to explain who is the true Israel.
- Bryan Kessler
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Who Is the True Israel? – Part 2
This article expounds upon Romans 9:6-8 and Galatians 6:15-16 to explain who is the true Israel.
- Bryan Kessler
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Who Is the True Israel? – Part 1
This article describes Christian antisemitism throughout history, explains Replacement Theology, and expounds upon Romans 2:28-29 to explain who is a true Jew.
- Bryan Kessler
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Indwelling Life
You already have a treasure residing in you because Christ dwells within you. When your spiritual eyes are opened to see this truth, your mind will be renewed and your life transformed. You will be empowered to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. And most important of all, you will become the person God created you to be.
- Bryan Kessler
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A Theology of the Bride
A Bridal Theology is a class developed for the purpose of helping those called as forerunners, as well as the church at large, to understand the theology of the church’s bridal relationship with Christ.
- Ken Kessler
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An Eternal-Purpose House of Prayer
This class applies the truths of God’s eternal purpose in a setting for effective and powerful prayer. This class will dramatically improve your prayer ministry in the urgency of these end times.
- Ken Kessler
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Healing and Deliverance Track
This is a set of classes uniquely designed so that your body, heart, and soul would be healed, delivered, and set free through Jesus Christ’s healing and liberating power.

Foundations Track
This is a set of classes uniquely designed so that you can learn to hear God’s voice, worship in a way that pleases the Father, and to learn to pray in powerful and effective way.

The Eternal Purpose Track
This is a set of classes uniquely designed to align your heart, your understanding, and your life-purpose with God’s eternal purpose established before time and creation.

Video Commentaries
This set of classes contains video, audio, and written commentary on different books of the Bible.

Forerunner School
This is a set of classes uniquely designed to equip messengers, master builders, and intercessors.

The Great Reset
This message looks at Psalms 2 and an end-time conspiracy led by an antichrist cabal comprised of the world’s wealthy, powerful, and influential elite, who want to remove God and His Word from culture. This message also discusses The Great Reset, which the global elite are presently attempting to establish in the Western world.

Understanding the Times
This message talks about the rising antichrist movement and how we should respond. Specifically, we should rest in God’s sovereign control, recognize what is happening, ready ourselves for what is taking place and what is coming, resist it, resolve not to compromise, and even restrain this lawlessness in our sphere of authority.

The End-Time Ministry of John
Before the Lord returns, the Spirit is highlighting John the apostle as a model for the end-time church (John 21:22). More specifically, the Spirit is emphasizing to the end-time church John the beloved, John the intimate, John the lover, and John the revelator. The Spirit wants us to see John and model our lives after him.