Understanding the End Times takes an in-depth look at the context for how God’s ultimate intention will be fulfilled at the end of the age. Studying the end times is important because it: helps prepare us for what’s coming; gives us motivation to seek the Lord with all of our hearts and live completely for Him; inspires us to repent and overcome; guards our hearts from offense at God; keeps us from deception; gives us faith and confidence; and equips us to be a prophetic voice and intercessor. This class is divided into four parts. Part 1 – Scoffers and Doctrines of Demons looks in detail at modern-day eschatological errors, such as Preterism and the Seven-Mountain Mandate, which are becoming increasingly popular in the Charismatic Church. Part 2 – Israel, Islam, and the Revived Roman Empire details the importance of Israel in the study of the end times. In Part 2, we also look in great detail at Daniel’s Seventy Week Prophecy, which is the backbone of all end-time prophecy (Dan. 9:24-27). We also look at the final worldwide empires and how Islam fits into the equation. Part 3 – God’s Ultimate Intention Fulfilled looks at how God’s ultimate intention will be fulfilled in a people. We will look in detail at Revelation 12, Revelation 14:1-5, and Revelation 19:7. These three passages detail how the bride of Christ will be made ready in phases. We will also take a fresh look at the rapture and challenge some faulty beliefs about this controversial but vital topic. Part 4 – Increasing Birth Pains & the Day of the Lord details some specific signs indicating Jesus’ return is near. These are false teachers deceiving the church; wars and rumors of wars; extreme weather, famines, and earthquakes; tsunamis; a surge of lawlessness, riots, and anarchy; racial tensions escalating; the love of most growing cold; the gospel of the kingdom preached in all nations; false prophets deceiving God’s people; the nations living at ease during the greatest time of prosperity in history; heterosexual and homosexual promiscuity increasing; unusual diseases and plagues, such as the coronavirus; a form of godliness without power; an inability to endure sound doctrine; an influx of popular but false teachers who compromise the truth and tickle the ears of their listeners; and an increase in travel and knowledge. Finally, we conclude Part 4 with the gloriously good news of God’s kingdom coming to the earth in fullness. Known by scholars as the Millennial Kingdom, this is the 1000-year reign of Jesus and His bride on the earth. During this time period, Jerusalem will become the praise of the earth and the glory of Jesus will cover the nations as the waters cover the sea.
Understanding the End Times
Introduction to the End Times
Class: Understanding the End TimesSunday, September 27, 2020Studying the end times is important because it: helps prepare us for what’s coming; gives us motivation to seek the Lord with all of our hearts; inspires us to overcome; guards our hearts from offense at God; and equips us to be a prophetic voice and intercessor.
1 – Loving the Truth
Class: Understanding the End TimesSunday, October 4, 2020This session looks at six things that will help prepare your heart to receive the truth. This will be important for later sessions, when we look at whether most prophecy has been fulfilled; Israel’s role in the end times; and the rapture.
2 – Debunking Preterism
Class: Understanding the End TimesSunday, October 11, 2020This session looks at why Preterism, the belief that most or all of the end-time prophecies have been fulfilled, is not biblical. This is a doctrine of demons the powers of darkness are using to fuel the fires of the great, end-time apostasy.
3 – The Seven Mountain Mandate
Class: Understanding the End TimesThursday, January 7, 2021In this session, we look at what the Seven-Mountain Mandate is, how it originated, what is good about it, and what it is all about.
4 – Nine Errors of the Seven Mountain Mandate
Class: Understanding the End TimesFriday, January 8, 2021This session looks at nine errors of the Seven-Mountain Mandate. The Seven-Mountain Mandate is a belief system often rooted in Partial Preterism and Postmillennialism.
5 – Replacement Theology
Class: Understanding the End TimesTuesday, January 19, 2021Replacement Theology is the belief the church has replaced Israel in God’s prophetic agenda. This false doctrine removes Israel and the Jewish people completely out of the end-time picture.
6 – Daniel’s Seventy-Week Prophecy
Class: Understanding the End TimesSunday, January 31, 2021This session looks in-depth at the book of Daniel. You will see God’s six-fold purpose for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, which is accomplished during a divine timetable of 490 years.
7 – The Four Beasts Revealed By Daniel
Class: Understanding the End TimesMonday, February 8, 2021This session looks at the four empires revealed by Daniel in Daniel 2 and 7. This message also discusses Revelation 17-18.
8 – The Final Empire
Class: Understanding the End TimesMonday, February 15, 2021This session looks at the antichrist’s final empire, which can be categorized into two empires known in Scripture as the seventh and eighth kingdoms.
9 – The Seventh Kingdom
Class: Understanding the End TimesMonday, February 22, 2021This session looks at the seventh kingdom in Revelation 17-18 and the coming one-world government, one-world religion, and one-world economy.
10 – The Apostasy
Class: Understanding the End TimesMonday, March 15, 2021This session looks at the end-time apostasy, which Paul said would come just prior to the second coming of Christ. By looking at ancient Israel’s apostasy under Solomon, Jeroboam, and Ahab and Jezebel, we see a blueprint for the end-time apostasy, which will take place in three phases.
11 – The Apostasy: Phase 1
Class: Understanding the End TimesTuesday, March 16, 2021This session looks at Phase 1 of the apostasy, which is currently underway and involves the preaching of another Jesus. Satan accomplishes this goal through doctrines of demons. Three doctrines of demons we look at in this message are hyper-grace, preterism, and dominionism.
12 – The Apostasy: Phase 2
Class: Understanding the End TimesThursday, April 1, 2021The preaching of another gospel and another Jesus paves the way for universalism, which is Phase 2 of the apostasy. In this session, we look at four reasons why the coming one-world religion will likely be universalism.
15 – The Kingdom of God
Class: Understanding the End TimesTuesday, April 20, 2021In this session, we look at the ultimate good news. Namely, Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, will return, crush the antichrist, 10 kings, and the eighth empire, and will establish His kingdom in Jerusalem, from where He will rule the nations for 1,000 years.