Galatians is the greatest defense against legalism in the Scripture. It’s not Christ plus something else. It’s not Christ plus obedience to the Law. Christ plus Bible reading. Christ plus prayer. We are justified by faith alone by grace alone. It’s not by the works of the Law but by hearing with faith. Paul wrote Galatians because Judaizers—those who believed Jesus was the Messiah but said you must obey the Law of Moses to be saved—were distorting Paul’s simple gospel of justification by faith alone in the finished work of the cross. Paul summarizes the entire Christian life in Galatians 2:20, when he stated I have been crucified with Christ and now I live by His indwelling life and by His faith. He also stressed the importance of living by the Spirit. Namely, that after being justified and having a good beginning, we are to still live by the Spirit. Justification is by grace through faith. So also is sanctification. Finally, Paul emphasized living by the Spirit. Specifically, he taught that if you walk by the Spirit, meaning you are led by the Spirit, you will bear the fruit of the Spirit, will overcome the flesh, and will not be subject to any Law.